Contact the council through the clerk (here)
The council meets every other month. The date, time and venue for the next meeting is written below. Additional meetings and sub-committees are held as required.
Members of the public have the right to attend meetings but not to participate in discussions and can be asked to leave when some specific matters of a confidential nature are being considered.
The next meeting:
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Thursday 15 May, 7.30 at Hwb Penmachno
- Welcome and apologies for absence
- Declaration of interest
- Confirmation of the minutes from the previous meeting
- A presentation by Severn Wye: Energised Communities
- Matters arising from the minutes (not otherwise on the agenda)
- Correspondence
- Financial report
- Planning applications
- Any other business
Please note that Cyngor Cymuned Bro Machno may audio record or film this meeting. As your image may be included in the recording, by entering the meeting room you consent to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and any audio recordings.
Draft Minutes:
(Mae fersiwn Gymraeg o’r cofnodion drafft)
Please note that these minutes have not been approved and are subject to change. The draft minutes are machine-translated into English.